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For Spring Semester

Registration Instructions

Please read the entire page on registration. It has vital information that can help in preparing for registration on your assigned day and time. If you do not read the entire section, you may miss a step and are unable to register for spring classes.

Loyola is now using a new platform called Student Planning for students to register for classes. You must use this platform to register for your Spring ’25 classes. All current students on campus had to use Student Planning during their registration last Spring for fall classes, but it may take time for you to learn about this new platform if you are not familiar with it. Don’t wait until the last minute to familiarize yourself with Student Planning registration process. To help you get ready to register, scroll down to Resources to Help You with Spring 2025 Registration in Student Planning and click the links there.

  • Self-Register: All students will self-register unless they need special assistance on their registration day and time. It is recommended that students register themselves for classes.
  • Need Assistance to Register: If you will be in class, on a Loyola sponsored trip, or have poor internet connection on your registration day and time, AASC (Academic Advising and Support Center) can register you. You will need to complete the Study Abroad Registration Form and upload the completed form in Terra Dotta by October 16, 2024. In order for AASC to register you for your spring courses, you must have major advisor permission in student planning to allow AASC to register you. If you do not have your major advisor’s permission in Student Planning, AASC will not be able to register you.
  • Prerequisite Courses While Abroad: If you are currently taking a course abroad that is a prerequisite for a course(s) you want or need to take in the spring, you must complete the Study Abroad Prerequisite Form, and upload the completed form in Terra Dotta by October 16, 2024.

If you took a course over the summer (2024) and it is a prerequisite for a class you need to take in the spring, make sure you request an official transcript from the summer institution to send to 91°µÍø’s Office of the Registrar to transfer the course and credits. If you took a summer course at Loyola, the course will be in our system. If you know that you have received credit for your summer course, you will self-register during your assigned day and time and you do not need to submit any form to OIP.

Registration Forms

Prerequisite Form

Complete this form and upload to Terra Dotta by October 16, 2024 if you are planning on self-registering but are taking a prerequisite course abroad.

OIP Registration Form

Complete this form and upload to Terra Dotta by October 16, 2024 if you want the Office of International Programs to register you for all of your courses for next semester on your registration day.

Loyola’s Registrar office will send all students detailed information on how to register for spring 2025 classes. Make sure you follow all the steps. Please be on the lookout for their email for your class in the upcoming weeks.

All students, including students who are abroad, must receive permission from their major advisor to register for classes. You will need to obtain your major advisor’s permission in Student Planning in order to register for classes this spring. If you do not have permission from your major advisor in Student Planning, you will not be able to register for spring classes. You will need to contact your major advisor in advance and obtain their permission to register for classes. The Office of International Programs will not give you permission to register for classes; you must contact your major advisor.

Registration Information

  • The Class of 2025, seniors, register on October 23, 2024.
  • The Class of 2026, juniors, register on October 30, 2024.
  • The Class of 2027, sophomores, register on November 6, 2024.
  • The Class of 2028, freshmen, register on November 13 and November 14, 2024.

Registering for Spring Courses

  • Download the Student Planning Instructions and plan your courses now.
  • On your registration day and at the time indicated above, log into , select Loyola Self-Service then enter your login information.
  • Select Student Planning from the Self-Service Menu and follow the Student Planning instructions from the link above.
  • Study abroad students should register themselves on their given registration day and time.
  • You will be given a date and time to register. You can find your date and time in Student Planning.
  • You will be able to register for classes on your given date and time, provide you received your major advisor’s permission to register in Student Planning.
  • You will have from your assigned date and time up until 5:00 P.M. EST, Baltimore time, on January 20, 2025, to make changes to your spring course schedule.
  • You can only register for 5-3 credit courses. You can also register for 1 or 2-credit labs or courses on your registration day.
  • All class years can register for a 6th course starting November 15, 2024. All class years will need to receive major advisor permission in Student Planning prior to registering for a 6th course.

Steps You Must Complete to Register for Spring 2025

  • If you want to search for courses and sections, log into 91°µÍø Self-Service.
  • Contact your major advisor in advance of your registration day and time. While Loyola recommends students and advisors communicate through Student Planning and/or email due to differences in Time Zones, you and your major advisor can discuss if a Zoom appointment may be an option for the two of you.
  • Inform your major advisor of the courses you are taking abroad and how they are working in your degree program.
  • Discuss with your major advisor the courses you plan to take in your returning spring semester.
  • If you are a double-major or an interdisciplinary major, you should contact both major advisors to discuss your course plan for the spring. However, you need at least one major advisor’s permission to register for classes.
  • Request permission to register for classes.
  • You will need to plan a schedule in Student Planning by putting in at least one course and section. For example, if you wanted to take a specific history course, you would need to put in HS 341.02 in Student Planning. You must put in the section.
  • Check for your major advisor’s permission to register in Student Planning. If you do not see it, contact your major advisor to receive permission to register.
  • Submit the Prerequisite Form for Study Abroad to your study abroad advisor by completing the information on the form.
  • Once your registration date and time has arrived and you have permission from your major advisor, register for your courses.

Taking a Prerequisite(s) Course Abroad this Fall

  • If you are currently taking a course(s) abroad this fall and it is a prerequisite(s) for a class you want or need to take in the spring, you must complete the attached Prerequisite Form for Study Abroad Students.  For example, if you are taking your second philosophy abroad and you would like to take your philosophy ethics in the spring, you will not be able to register for the philosophy ethics in the spring, unless you submit your Study Abroad Prerequisite form.
  • Complete all the information requested on the Study Abroad Prerequisite Form Spring 2025, and submit the form to your study abroad advisor in Baltimore.
  • Once your study abroad advisor overrides the prerequisite in the system, you will be able to register for your course(s).
  • Your study abroad advisor can only override the prerequisite(s) if you are taking it abroad, you completed the Study Abroad Prerequisite Form for Spring 2025 and submitted the form to your study abroad advisor by the deadline.
  • The deadline for submitting the Prerequisite form for Study Abroad Students is October 16, 2024.

If You Cannot Self- Register for Spring 2025 for One of the Following Reasons

  • If you are in class during your registration time, or if you are on a Loyola sponsored trip only, or if you do not have internet access, AASC can register you for your classes on your given day and time.
  • You will need to complete the Study Abroad Registration Form for Spring 2025. You must complete it and submit to Terra Dotta by October 16, 2024.
  • We will take your completed Study Abroad Registration Form for Spring 2025 to ASSC, and a staff member there will register you on your given day and time.
  • You must still receive major advisor permission in Student Planning prior to AASC registering you for spring courses.
  • If you do not receive your major advisor’s permission in Student Planning by your registration date and time, AASC will not be able to register you.

Resources to Help You with Spring 2025 Registration in Student Planning

  • Office of the Registrar Website: You will find information on Applying for Graduation, Undergraduate Student Planning User Guide, Undergraduate Student Planning Quick User Guide, and Undergraduate Student Planning Instructional Videos.  Please review these items before you register for classes.
  • Office of the Registrar Spring Registration page
  • If you have any general questions on your registration day, the Office of International Programs will be available on your registration day, from 7:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST Baltimore time.

Contact Information


Contact Us

Phone: 410-617-2910
Office: Humanities 132
Email: international@loyola.edu

Additional contact information


In order to apply, students must attend a study abroad 101 session and at least one program specific information session before the application deadline. The application deadline for all Fall, Spring, and year-long opportunities during academic year 2025-26 is December 4, 2024.