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Study Abroad Ambassadors

The Study Abroad Ambassadors is a select group of students who previously studied abroad and are dedicated to promoting interest, cultural immersion, assisting in preparation, offering support, and providing a platform for communication regarding the study abroad experience. Study Abroad alumni who are selected to participate in the program will assist the Office of International Programs in promoting study abroad opportunities through interest meetings, classroom presentations, and assistance at various events the office hosts throughout the semester.  Applications for new Study Abroad Ambassadors are accepted in two cycles with due dates of August 1 and January 1.

Apply to be a Study Abroad Ambassador!

Questions about Study Abroad?

Please feel free to contact a current Study Abroad Ambassador with any questions about the study abroad experience! All ambassadors are happy to answer any program-specific or general study abroad questions that you might have!

The Netherlandsvh

Vy Ha, 2024 - Co-President SAA

Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Fall 2022

Biology Major & Forensic Studies Minor

One of the best decisions I ever made in my life was studying abroad in Amsterdam. Through this experience, I had the opportunity to meet some of the most amazing people and visit many beautiful cities in Europe. While in Amsterdam, I went on many canal tours and visited many museums and flea markets. I am also grateful that I was able to learn and immerse myself in the Dutch culture and traditions. This experience pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and become more independent. My time in Amsterdam taught me lots of knowledge and life skills that I would not be able to get anywhere else and will carry with me for the rest of my life.   

Email: vmha@loyola.edu


Gianna Sansonetti, 2024 - Co-President SAA

Bangkok, Thailand, Fall 2022

Global Studies Major, Political Science and Communication Minors

Studying abroad in Bangkok was the best decision I have ever made. I had the time of my life and fell in love with everything about Thailand. It is such a beautiful country with so much to explore, from the beautiful mountains in the north to the islands in the south. Bangkok is also my favorite city I have ever been to, and every day I was finding something new I loved about it. I had the opportunity to visit four other countries in Southeast Asia during my independent travel time. I am so grateful to have been immersed in so many cultures that are so different from my own.  Studying abroad had always been a dream of mine and I am so happy with my experience. It has made me into a more confident, independent, and overall better person. I know I will carry Thailand with me in everything I do for the rest of my life!

Email: grsansonetti@loyola.edu


Olivia Howley, 2024 - Vice President SAAoh

Singapore, Singapore, Fall 2022

Global Studies Major, Asian Studies & International Business Minors

Studying abroad in Singapore was one of my most enriching experiences. Beyond its academic rewards, I gained profound personal insights. My journey allowed me to explore diverse cultures, broaden my horizons, and connect with extraordinary individuals. Witnessing the world's beauty firsthand was truly transformative. I returned to 91°µÍø with an lasting broadened perspective on the world, an invaluable gift for which I'll forever be thankful. Additionally, I was fortunate to be awarded the prestigious Gilman Scholarship for my study abroad adventure, which further enhanced my international exploration.

Email: oghowley@loyola.edu


Morgan Fuerbacher

Copenhagen, Denmark, Spring 2023

Psychology Major & Forensic Studies Minor

Studying abroad in Copenhagen changed my life for the better. I loved being immersed in a new and welcoming culture and living a different lifestyle. Walking around the city or riding a bike (which is a big thing) is very manageable and more enjoyable than riding in a car. Studying abroad pushed me out of my comfort zone and made me become more independent. I met some of my best friends abroad, traveled a lot, and made unforgettable memories. Copenhagen has so much to offer, and I am so thankful I got the opportunity to explore its charm. Living in Copenhagen was the experience of a lifetime!

Email: mfuerbacher@loyola.edu


Nicole Westwood, 2024

Copenhagen, Denmark, Fall 2022 

Major: Communication specializing in Advertising & Public Relations 

Minor: Marketing

I am so happy I was able to study abroad in Copenhagen this past fall!  The experiences I had and the people I met made my semester so fulfilling. I gained lifelong friends, and being able to immerse myself in a new culture where I didn't speak the language was both nerve-wracking and exciting. This was an amazing opportunity for me, as I became much more independent and involved in the world around me. Learning about the Danish culture was so interesting, and I loved bringing the concept of hygge (coziness with friends) back to 91°µÍø! 


Natalie Pardo, 2024

Budapest, Hungary, Spring 2023

I believe my study abroad experience was one of the most impactful things to ever happen to me. I not only got to experience a country I never imagined going to but also met people that I will remain lifelong friends with. I am entirely grateful for the Budapest program and all it had to offer. Going abroad was extremely eye-opening for what I want in the future and helped me determine what the business world is like outside the United States. I have found that this experience has changed my life for the better, which is shown throughout my daily life back at Loyola now. I have a way better mindset when I am faced with challenging situations and have a more positive approach when finding solutions. Living abroad has given me certainty that I am capable of living in another country for an extended period of time. I am endlessly grateful for my time in Hungary and will remain sharing my experience with everyone I cross paths with.

Email: napardo@loyola.edu


Kaleigh Donohue, 2024

Leuven, Belgium, Spring 2023

Information Systems and Data Analytics major, Marketing minor

I always knew I wanted to study abroad and that is one of the main reasons I chose to go to 91°µÍø. The Leuven program was the perfect fit for me. Although I was very nervous before I got on the plane Leuven quickly became a place I could call home. Leuven is a small university city and the whole city feels like your campus. Living and learning amongst so many international students taught me so much and I returned to 91°µÍø with a more global perspective. Belgium is also a perfect location if you plan to travel as I was able to travel to 12 different countries throughout my 5 months abroad. Studying abroad allowed me to grow as an individual, create lifelong friendships and memories that will last a lifetime! 

Email: ksdonohue@loyola.edu 


Braedan Kopp, 2024bk

Leuven, Belgium, Spring 2023

Communications major, English minor

Having the ability to study abroad for five months, was one of the best experiences of my life. Belgium is a beautiful and unique country filled with history and charm. Leuven being centrally located allowed for easy travel to so many other amazing cities while providing an amazing place to call home. Studying abroad is an incredible opportunity and Loyola provides its students great resources to make it accessible. Learning more about new cultures, and gaining so much knowledge about independence and Europe has shaped who I am now. Please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have!

Email: bmkopp@loyola.edu


Caitlin Rydzewski, 2024cr

Melbourne, Australia Spring 2023

Political Science major, Environmental Studies & Classical Civilization minors

My decision to study abroad in Australia is one I will forever be glad I made, as it allowed me to have unique and incredible experiences that I will treasure forever. From snorkeling on the Great Barrier Reef to walking through the Sydney Opera House, to even hand-feeding kangaroos, my time abroad was something I truly loved. Australia is an absolutely incredible country with so much to explore and being able to take advantage of the opportunities the country down under has to offer was thrilling. Going abroad also allowed me to get outside of my comfort zone, something that I am grateful for, as it gave me more confidence in myself. I will forever hold the memories I made in Australia close to my heart.

Email: cerydzewski@loyola.edu


Colleen McCarthy, 2024cm

Alcalá De Henares, Spain, Spring 2023

Major: International Business

Minor: Mathematics

I’ve always dreamt about studying abroad, and it was a life-changing experience where I learned so much about other cultures and their histories.  Studying in Spain turned out to be a complete surprise to me as I originally intended and started out studying in Lyon, France.  Living in a country where I did not know the language was nerve-racking, but María José, the program’s Spanish contact and one of the Spanish professors, made me feel like I was meant to be in Spain.  I traveled to 11 countries in Europe, falling in love with each one.  I loved the food, the people, and everything in between. I visited my friends studying in other countries as well.  Learning about cultures always interested me and I am so grateful I got to experience different cultures firsthand.  Studying Abroad also helped me narrow down what I want to do after I graduate.  It is a once in a lifetime experience, and I hope everyone who gets the chance can enjoy!

Email: cmmccarthy@loyola.edu


Julia Smith, 2024js

Cork, Ireland, Spring 2023

Speech-Language Hearing Sciences major, Special Education minor

Studying abroad in Cork, Ireland was vital to my growth as a student and as a person. This experience pushed me out of my comfort zone, challenged me to become independent, and widened my perspective of the world around me. While I was hesitant to go abroad, scared of the unknown and the uncomfortable, I am proud of the leap I took. I was pushed academically, taking courses outside of my major and minor, and learned about disciplines I would have never learned otherwise. My favorite part of studying abroad is Ireland itself. The countryside is so ethereal and breathtaking, something a camera can’t even capture. The people I met were nothing but kind, welcoming me into their culture and celebrating mine.

Email: Jdsmith1@loyola.edu

United Kingdom

Nicole Scott, 2024ns

Newcastle, England, Fall 2022


Biology major/Forensic Studies minor


Being able to study abroad was a big part of why I chose Loyola. Once the experience finally came, I found it as amazing as expected. It increased my inclination to travel even more. Studying abroad allowed me to learn not only more about the eastern world, but more about myself. I became more independent, mature and simply comfortable being myself. I hope to be able to encourage more people to take advantage of study abroad, as it truly is a once in a lifetime experience!


Kate Hanson, 2024


Newcastle, England, Full Year 2022-23


Sociology major with a minor in General Business and Gender and Sexuality


Studying abroad for the entire year in Newcastle was the best choice I made in college.  This past year I was able to challenge myself by stepping out of my comfort zone, learning about a new culture, and making new international friends. Each day became an adventure with something new to experience.  Living in a new city built my independence and has made me more confident to live somewhere new after graduating. My experience was once in a lifetime, and I will never take it for granted.

Email: kehanson@loyola.edu


Claire Marino, 2024cmarino

Glasgow, Scotland Spring 2023

Writing and Communications (Journalism) majors, English minor

Studying abroad in Glasgow, Scotland was the best decision I have ever made. I was the only Loyola student to do the program in my year, so I was faced with the unique opportunity to make the experience my own in every way possible. Throughout my five months in Scotland, I made life-long friends from around the world, took classes relevant to my minor and core, visited all 8 major Scottish cities, and 15 countries. I learned so much about Scottish culture, history, and geography through my travels and the people I was blessed to meet, and I grew in appreciation for nature and humanity. Though I faced so many unknowns on that flight to Scotland in January 2023, I came home a truer version of myself and wouldn’t change a single moment of the experience. I feel like I left home a teenager and came back as an adult, and I’m already looking for ways to get back to Scotland!

Email: camarino@loyola.edu

Summer Tour-The Balkans

Annabella Ritter-Pleitez, 2024

Political Science and Global Studies major, Spanish minor

I chose Loyola because of its strong study-abroad opportunities. My summer study-abroad in the Balkans completely exceeded my already high expectations! Within roughly three weeks, my class and I visited six different countries, where we learned from first-hand experiences of the region’s complex history and political climate. Through visiting museums in Kosovo to exploring the enchanting landscapes of Montenegro, I developed long-lasting relationships, immersed myself in fascinating cultures, and experienced a once-in-a-lifetime journey in a region that is truly like no other!

Email: alritter-pleitez@loyola.edu


Contact Us

Phone: 410-617-2910
Office: Humanities 132
Email: international@loyola.edu

Additional contact information


In order to apply, students must attend a study abroad 101 session and at least one program specific information session before the application deadline. The application deadline for all Fall, Spring, and year-long opportunities during academic year 2025-26 is December 4, 2024.