Thesis Option
A thesis is not required for all students, but is suggested for students who have maintained a QPA of 3.500 and are interested in pursuing doctoral-level study and/or clinical research activities. Students who elect the masterâs thesis option are not responsible for taking the comprehensive exam. A student interested in exploring the thesis option meets with the Graduate Program Director and a faculty member whose expertise is in the area of investigation adn who serves as the thesis advisor and chair. The student works with the faculty member to review the literature in the chosen area and develop the research proposal. A thesis handbook guides students through the steps of the thesis process.
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Recent Theses
The following students have recently completed theses. Click on their names to read more about their research.
Oliva Brown, '24
Committee: Dr. Donna Pitts (Chair), Theresa Alexander, Alicia Barger
Title: Parental Perceptions of Physical, Occupational and Speech-Language Therapy Incorporating
Hippotherapy in Children with Developmental Delays
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to investigate parental perceptions of physical, occupational
and speech services that incorporate dynamic equine movement, or hippotherapy, as
a treatment tool in children with developmental delays and compare these perceptions
with that of traditional therapy. Data was collected via an anonymous Qualtrics survey
from 15 parents and guardians of children participating in therapy utilizing this
treatment tool at various therapeutic riding facilities in the state of Maryland.
The survey consisted of questions related to perspectives of traditional therapy,
services utilizing hippotherapy, and comparisons of the two. Participants indicated
their level of agreement or disagreement with statements using a balanced, bipolar
5-point Likert scale. Participants also answered questions related to demographics
and could provide written responses and feedback at the end of the survey. Thematic
analysis was used to identify the prevalent themes in the narrative responses. Results
of this study are summarized as follows: (1) parents/guardians have observed a variety
of both physical but also social/emotional benefits of their childâs participation
in rehabilitative therapies incorporating hippotherapy and also reported benefits
associated with the unique hippotherapy environment (2) participants indicated understanding
of their childâs goals within both traditional therapy and hippotherapy with no statistical
significance between these results, (3) participants indicated that services utilizing
hippotherapy in conjunction with traditional therapy resulted in the greatest benefits
for their child working towards their individualized goals vs traditional therapy
alone and (4) the primary motivations for parents/guardians to seek out hippotherapy
as an alternative treatment modality were personal recommendations, personal curiosity
and prior experience with horses. The findings from this research contribute to the
literature regarding the incorporation of equine movement as a treatment tool within
physical, occupational, and speech-language therapy, and provides helpful information
for specific, effective and educational resources for parents interested in pursuing
this treatment modality and unique therapy experience for their child.
Julia Cirincione, '24
Committee: Dr. Janet Preis (Chair), Alicia Barger, Devan Winterle
Title: Speech-Language Pathologistsâ Experiences, Attitudes, and Knowledge of Applied Behavior
Analysis Abstract: There is little research about Speech Language Pathologists (SLPs) experiences, attitudes,
and knowledge towards Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) principles and practices. This
thesis presents the findings of a cross-sectional research study which aimed to examine
SLPs experiences, attitudes, and knowledge of and with ABA. The study employed mixed
methods, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches by asking closed and open-ended
survey questions and obtained information from respondents specifically about demographics,
experiences, attitudes, knowledge, and additional optional comments. The evidence
presented in this paper was analyzed using descriptive statistics of count (N) and
percentile, as well as cursory analysis of themes and trends. Preliminary findings
indicate that SLPs have substantial experience about and with ABA and hold strongly
negative attitudes towards its use. Although the third element of knowledge was examined,
the findings are inconclusive as it is less than clear if the low accuracy was due
to knowledge or a flawed instrument. The data presented in this paper suggest that
SLPs are familiar with the principles and practices of ABA while also having strong
attitudes against its principles and practices
Amanda Spaeth, â21
Title: School-Based Speech-Language Pathologistsâ Perceptions of Training and Competence
for Telepractice Service Delivery
Committee: Dr. Lena Caesar (Chair), Dr. Janet Preis, Dr. Brianne Roos
Abstract: Delivery of speech-language pathology services in the United States public school
system dramatically changed in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To comply
with the Center for Disease Controlâs (CDC) national guidelines, schools implemented
distance learning to protect students from the spread of COVID-19, and related service
providers (including speech-language pathologists) were mandated to continue providing
services via telepractice. The purpose of this study, therefore, was to investigate
SLPsâ perceptions of their training adequacy, relevant knowledge and competence for
providing telepractice service delivery. The study also investigated SLPsâ familiarity
with ASHAâs roles and responsibilities for telepractice service delivery, and their
perceptions of competence for providing telepractice services. This study used an
online survey-based methodology to collect quantitative and qualitative data from
178 United States school-based speech-language pathologists providing services via
telepractice. Results from the study indicated that although the majority of respondents
perceived themselves as somewhat competent to implement telepractice service delivery,
older SLPs felt less competent and less well-trained than their younger counterparts.
Issues related to training, knowledge, familiarity, and perceived levels of competence
are also discussed. These findings have implications for future research regarding
the quality of training provided by graduate programs and employers.
Mairin Srygley, â21
Title: Training Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students in Anti-Racist Praxis
Committee:Dr. Janet Preis (Chair), Dr. Brianne Roos, Theresa Alexander
Abstract: There appears to be no literature documenting attempts to train speech-language pathology
(SLP) graduate students in racial equity issues and anti-racist service delivery despite
empirical support for training in the fields of social work, education, medicine,
and other human services professions. This thesis presents the findings of a quasiexperimental
research investigation of an anti-racism pilot training program for 38 SLP graduate
students at a predominantly White institution. The paper interrogates the relevance
of teaching speech- language pathologists (SLPs) about anti-racism, evaluates the
application of anti-racism training best practices in a SLP graduate program context,
and explores methods of assessing anti-racism training learning outcomes. All students
participated in a six-session anti-racism training that explored foundational terminology
of anti-racism, the history of anti-Blackness in the United States and healthcare,
and applying anti-racism to clinical practice by using culturally-sustaining pedagogy
as an anti-racist strategy. In addition, 14 of the 38 participants completed a seven-session
peer mentorship program to extend the training experience over a longer period of
time and provide a space for cooperative learning and problem-solving. The quantitative
evidence presented in this paper triangulates direct and indirect assessment data
on knowledge, skills, and attitudinal change and uses parametric and non-parametric
statistical tests to measure at two time intervals (before and after the semester)
within the whole participant group and between experimental and control groups. Preliminary
findings from indirect measures (i.e., surveys) indicate all participants reported
statistically significant increases of anti-racist awareness, knowledge, and skills
with direct measures (i.e., treatment plans) indicating that participation in the
peer mentorship program contributed to greater anti-racist clinical skills. The data
presented in this paper suggests that it is possible to measure how teaching anti-racism
to SLP graduate students can lead to knowledge, skills, and attitudinal change. Ultimately,
this paper proposes a change in the field of SLP, urging SLPs to no longer engage
in a professional culture of silence but rather to engage in critical awareness of
the racial dynamics of society that affect SLP clinicians and clients every day.
Devon Terwilliger, â21
Title: How Caregivers and SLPs View Rapport & Parent-Coaching in the Online Environment
Committee: Dr. Tepanta Fossett (Chair), Kimberly Bell, Dr. Lena Caesar
Abstract: As a result of the global pandemic which began in the spring of 2020, many healthcare
providers began conducting their services via telehealth. This occurrence motivated
a need for evaluation of the efficacy and perceived satisfaction from both the people
providing the services and those receiving them. While the skills addressed through
therapy are the same, the technological changes associated with the telehealth service
delivery model may affect various aspects of those services. Within the field of speech-language
pathology, building relationships with clients and caregivers is essential for progress.
Additionally, equipping parents with the skills they need to facilitate their childâs
progress is paramount. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate how
speech-language pathologists (SLPs) and parents/caregivers perceive rapport and parent-coaching
via telepractice compared with in person SLP services. This study utilized an online
survey to collect information from 205 individuals (138 SLPs and 67 parents) who currently
provide or receive speech/language services for speech sound disorders (SSDs) via
telepractice, respectively. The results of this study indicate that the majority of
SLP and parent respondents felt more satisfied with speech/language services via telepractice
than in person services. Additionally, the results indicate that SLPs perceived differences
in the amount of time and ways in which they build rapport and provide parent coaching
via telepractice compared to in person, while most parent respondents did not perceive
those differences. These findings have implications for future research and future
applicability of virtual speech/language services.
Kirsten Wollschlager, â21
Title: Reading Comprehension: A Mindful Approach
Committee: Dr. Marie Kerins (Chair), Lisa Tolino-Hill, Dr. Lisa Schoenbrodt
Abstract: Purpose: Reading comprehension is a critical skill integral to a studentâs academic
success and necessary for life-long learning (Durkin, 1993; Stevens et. al, 1991),
yet many individuals struggle with this. Comprehension is an integrated skill that
requires students to have vocabulary and discourse knowledge, (e.g., fictious stories
or expository text), coupled with the application of executive functions, such as
inferencing or predicting (ASHA, n.d.). Thus, integrating all these skills suggests
that comprehension is a higher-level process that cannot be easily taught as a discrete
skill, a stark contrast from teachable skill of decoding (Kahmi, 2007). The purpose
of the study is to determine if integrating target vocabulary terms using metacognitive
strategies can improve reading comprehension by asking the following questions:
(a) Does activating metacognitive strategies (prior knowledge, think alouds, self-questioning) improve recall of taught vocabulary terms?
(b) Does the ability to accurately recall and apply vocabulary terms improve reading comprehension?
Method: This intervention study used a multiple, consecutive probe design (Tawney
& Gast, 1984) across six subjects with a measure of maintenance. The six subjects
were between the ages of 8 and 12years and had a diagnosis of a language-based learning
Results: The results demonstrated that the use of metacognitive strategies had a positive
impact on the ability to recall taught vocabulary terms and improve reading comprehension
skills. All six participants showed evidence of consistent improvement from the employment
of metacognitive strategies during reading comprehension tasks during intervention
and maintenance.
Conclusion: In conclusion, this study found that the use of metacognitive strategies
had a positive impact on the ability to recall taught vocabulary terms and improve
reading comprehension skills. These findings support that metacognitive strategies
can improve reading comprehension when applying strategies to key vocabulary terms
associated with reading comprehension. Applying metacognitive strategies to key terms
was successful with this group of school-age language impaired children. Ideas for
future research include replicating these findings with participants of different
ages and diagnoses to add additional generalizability to the findings. Future research
could include children with expressive language difficulties who anecdotally showed
improvement in this study in their ability to define and use vocabulary terms.
Rebecca Grossman, â20
Title: Self-Awareness and Voice Education in Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students
Committee: Dr. Tepanta Fossett (Chair), Dr. Sally Gallena, Dr. Paul Evitts
Abstract: Glottal fry is a vocal register which has gained attention for its increased prevalence
in young female speakers, as well as its linguistic and perceptual implications. This
characteristically âcreakyâ voice could be a sign of a vocal pathology but has also
been associated as a linguistic marker at the ends of phrases to indicate phrasal
boundaries. Recent research has been particularly focused on listener perceptions
of glottal fry in young female speakers (Anderson et al., 2014; Yuasa, 2010). Graduate
students of speech-language pathology (SLP), the majority of whom are young females,
must often rely on their awareness and perception of vocal quality to drive effective
treatment. Academic and clinical coursework in graduate programs for speech-language
pathology aim to build competence in the graduate clinicianâs awareness of voice characteristics
of their patients, but there has not been literature to date, which examines whether
graduate students are aware of their own use of glottal fry. The aim of this controlled,
between-groups, descriptive study was to examine the SLP graduate student clinicianâs
self-awareness of their use of excessive glottal fry, and whether formal voice education
contributed to this self-awareness. Results showed no significant relationship between
formal voice education and the use, or self-awareness of, glottal fry. However, a
small increase in self-awareness was noted within the educated group. This study contributes
to research which suggests that vocal education may improve general awareness of glottal
fry, but further awareness education may be needed to increase SLP graduate student
cliniciansâ self-awareness of their own vocal characteristics.
Kourtney Wathen, â20
Title: Effect of Chorus Intervention on Voice and Speech in Persons with Aphasia
Committee: Dr. Sally Gallena (Chair), Dr. Janet Preis, Thomas Thompson
Abstract: Aphasia chorus is gaining popularity in the field of speech-language pathology for
its impact on patient quality of life through music and community with others. However,
little is known about the effects of chorus on aspects of voice and speech in persons
with aphasia (PwA). The purpose of this study was to measure change in voice quality
and speech fluency in PwA who attend aphasia chorus as part of a weekly intensive
aphasia program at a university graduate clinic. We used a within-subjects pre/post
design consisting of acoustic and perceptual voice screening, articulatory agility
analysis, and sung word intelligibility analysis. Eligible participants were consented
using an aphasia-friendly form designed using yes/no questions. After the baseline
voice and speech screening, participants attended eight, 1-hour, weekly chorus sessions
as part of the intensive aphasia program posted by the clinic. Chorus sessions were
comprised of a structured voice and speech warm-up using evidence-based principles
followed by choral singing, wherein one song was sung consistently each week, with
two other songs that varied each week. The results showed a significant increase in
cepstral peak prominence (CPP) and sung word intelligibility in the refrain of the
consistently sung song, and near significant effect on maximum phonation duration
(MPD). The findings of this study suggest that a weekly chorus intervention consisting
of voice, speech, and singing exercises may improve voice quality and sung word intelligibility
for PwA.
Tips for Students Considering a Thesis
The major theme throughout is that a thesis is challenging, but very rewarding!
Tips from Students Who Have Completed a Thesis
- Choose something you are very interested in so you are excited to find an answer to your question. This is a long term project; you need to pursue something you care about. It gets painful and tedious- but ultimately itâs fun and exciting.
- Donât be afraid of the thesis option, even if you decide late. I started my thesis relatively late in the game (May of the first year) and it is possible to do in a year. It will be easier if you set yourself a schedule and keep to it.
- Brush up on statistics.
- Start working as soon as you canâdon't wait until the second year to get your project ideas and proposal started.
- Reach out to your thesis committee before your defenseâuse them as resources! They have lots of insights to share and you don't want to wait till the last minute to consider their input.
- When youâre reading for your lit review, take written notes with citations instead of highlighting important passages. It will make it so much easier when you remember an important fact but donât remember which article it came from.
- Remember that your thesis committee is there to support you. Don't be intimidated. Respect the feedback they have to give and grow from it. Itâs not personal, they just want to help you prepare the best defense and final product possible.
- If you feel like you arenât finding what you need in the existing literature just get creative. I found a lot of my literature following avenues not necessarily related to speech and language pathology. Also, if you or your friends have a certain set of skills, exploit it. I recruited my sister, an electrical engineer, to create the computer program that created the novel stimuli for my study. She is listed as a co-author.
- Once in the final stages of writing, think about where you might want to submit your manuscript for publishing. Don't wait!