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Graduate Learning Goals

Master Knowledge and Skills

  • Demonstrate knowledge and skills for entry-level clinical work documented across course work and clinical practicum experiences in the student’s Knowledge and Skills Acquisition (KASA) form.
  • Demonstrate collaborative client care through participation in interprofessional education and practice.
  • Demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills for entry-level clinical work in the areas of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Specifically, students will (a) identify and acknowledge approaches that include cultural humility, cultural responsiveness, and cultural competence in service delivery, as well as (b) identify and acknowledge the impact of implicit and explicit bias in clinical settings 

Think Critically

  • Communicate effectively in spoken and written language demonstrated in clinical report writing, oral presentations, and academic papers.
  • Think critically demonstrated through diagnostic problem solving, problem-based learning, and clinical decision making supported by sound evidence.

Manifest Leadership and Social Responsibility in the Workplace and Community

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the Professional Code of Ethics through problem based learning in coursework.
  • Identify areas of advocacy that will promote the profession, improve client care, or further the evidence-base of the profession.