Commuter Resources
Most members of our military community choose to live off campus and commute to 91°µÍø. Although you may not live on campus, we hope that you make efforts to make the university feel like home. We have a number of resources that will help to manage your life as a commuter student.
The University provides parking to commuter students for a fee. Learn more about parking options.
Commuters and students living off-campus are not required to participate in the meal plan, but they do have the option to choose a meal plan. 91°µÍø the Dining Services website to learn more.
Commuter Lounge
The Commuter Lounge (Avila) is located in Gardens A, across from Newman Towers. See the Campus Map.
Undergraduate Student Services and Activities
The Division of Student Development is a complete resource for all undergraduate students.
Graduate Student Services
Graduate Student Services is a comprehensive resource for all graduate students.
Transfer Welcome Weekend
Loyola's Transfer Welcome Weekend gives you time to meet and interact with other transfer students, current students, administrators, and faculty. There are also many tips we will share at sessions that are specific to 91°µÍø and important for all new student's success. For these topics, you will be in joint sessions with traditional first-year students and specific information relevant to your experience will be included in those sessions. Transfer Welcome Weekend is mandatory for all new transfer students.
Title IX
Title IX policies are applicable to all students. It is worth reviewing this information.
Contact Information
Loyola Veterans School Certifying OfficialAudrey Kennedy