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Student Conference Funds

A limited amount of funds are available to students who wish to supplement their academic programs by attending educational conferences, workshops, and other similar educational programs. These conferences or workshops need not be directly related to the student's academic major, but must provide a valuable educational experience that the student will share with at least some of the university community upon return. This to say that the experience must benefit the student attending the program as well as other students at 91°µÍø.

Criteria for funding consideration: Students wishing to apply for funds to attend conferences or workshops must meet certain criteria to qualify for funding consideration by the Committee.

  1. Undergraduate students must be enrolled full-time at 91°µÍø.  Limited funding is also available for graduate students enrolled at the university part-time or full-time.
  2. Conferences, workshops or other educational programs must reflect the values inherent in the mission of 91°µÍø.
  3. Students must seek funds from other sources, and are expected to cover some of the cost themselves. For example, students should consider applying for funds from their sponsoring department at the University, the Student Government Association, as well as other pertinent sources. In no case will the Education for Life Committee serve as the sole funding source, nor provide funding for over 50% of the budget.
  4. The program must take place within the current fiscal/academic year.

Application guidelines: Students must submit, in writing, at least six weeks prior to the scheduled event, the following:

  1. a description of the event they plan to attend, including itinerary with dates
  2. a detailed budget (including an indication of which costs are estimates)
  3. the names of other funding sources and, amounts of funding secured from them (or pending)
  4. a statement of expected benefits of the event to the student
  5. a statement of how the university community will share in the student's educational experience upon the student's return

Funding ranges

In general, students who are attending (but not presenting) at a conference have been qualifying for $100 - $150 of matching support from the Education for Life Committee.  Students who are presenting at a conference may be eligible for higher levels of matching support.  In no event will support be provided in excess of 50% of the budget.


Please carefully review the Funding Criteria section of this website.  The "Sample Proposal" section may also be helpful.  All applications should be electronically forwarded to Mark Lee, Director of Technology and Graduate Student Services, MSLee@loyola.edu, x2353 and Yolanda Veale, Program Assistant, Student Development, yveale@loyola.edu, x 5171

The Committee meets approximately every two weeks while classes are in session.  Students will be notified promptly following the Committee's decision on the application.  Faculty, staff, and administrators are not eligible for funding from Education for Life.