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Interdisciplinary Major

Ordinarily, an interdisciplinary major involving CS requires the completion of nine CS courses and three mathematics courses. Students considering an interdisciplinary major are urged to consult the Chairs of both departments as early in their program as possible.

Course requirements are:

  • CS151 Computer Science through Programming
  • CS212 Object-Oriented Data Structures
  • CS312 Object-Oriented Software Design
  • CS366 Computer Systems with CS266 (1 credit lab)
  • CS300-level or CS400-level Approved Computer Science Elective**
  • CS400-level Approved Computer Science Elective**
  • CS400-level Approved Computer Science Elective**
  • CS482 Software Engineering
  • CS496 Computer Science Project 1
  • MA251 Calculus I
  • MA/CS295 Discrete Structures

and one of the following:

  •   MA252 Calculus II
  •   ST210 Intro. To Statistics
  •   MA301 Linear Algebra

** For Engineering majors doing an interdisciplinary major with Computer Science, this course must not be cross-listed with an Engineering course. For example, Engineering majors cannot count CS471 as a CS elective.

View the course catalog