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Hung-bin Ding

Associate Dean of Academics, Professor of Management
Hung-bin Ding

Research Areas

Family Business; Entrepreneurship; Corporate Social Responsibility; Reputation Theory; Initial Public Offerings Biography

Hung-bin Ding is an Associate Professor and Chair, Management and International Business in the Sellinger School of Business and Management of 91. He received his Ph.D. in management from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. His research interests include family business, entrepreneurship, and corporate environmental responsibility. One of Hung-bin's recent research projects examines the development of green innovations in emerging economies. Last year, Hung-bin co-organized the award winning panel discussion on Corporate Sustainability in the Emerging Economies in the 2011 AOM. He currently serves on the review board of the Journal of Enterprising Culture and the Journal of Small Business Management. Hung-bin has taught strategic management and entrepreneurship courses at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels in the U.S. and Taiwan.

Academic Degrees

Ph D, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
MA, The George Washington University.
BA, Soochow University.

Book Edited

Ding, H.B., Chung, H.-M., Yu, A., and Phan, P. 2021. Entrepreneurial Family Businesses: Innovation, Growth, and Succession. London, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing

Representative Publications

Ding, H.B., Trevenyo-Rodriguez, R.N, Hahn, K., and Gallo, M.A. (2022) Creating Dynasties: Women Inclusion in Single Family Offices Around the World. in Rosa Nelly Trevinyo-Rodríguez & Miguel Ángel Gallo (ed.), The Power of Inclusion in Family Business, Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.

Kang, M.-P. and Ding, H.B. 2021. Paternal Aunts as Matriarchs in the Taiwanese Family Businesses: An anthropological observation. in Hung-bin Ding, Hsi-mei Chung, Andy Yu, Phillip Phan (ed.), Entrepreneurial Family Businesses: Innovation, Growth, and Succession. London, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Lee, S.-H., Phan, P., & Ding, H.-B. 2016. A Theory of Family Employee Involvement during Resource Paucity,Journal of Family Business Strategy 7(3): 160-166.  

Yu, Andy, Ding, H.B., & Chung, H.M 2015. The Change of Corporate Social Responsibility Performance in Family Businesses and Non-family Businesses: The Perspectives of Socioemotional Wealth and Legitimacy. Asian Business & Management14(5): 383-412.

Zhang, Jason, Q., Zhu, Hong, & Ding, H.B. 2013. Board Composition and Corporate Social Responsibility: An Empirical Investigation in the Post Sarbanes-Oxley Era, Journal of Business Ethics 114(3):381-392.

Ding, H.B. & Pukthuanthong-Le, K 2012. Organizational legitimacy and the performance of family firm IPOs, Journal of Business Economics and Management 14(1): 156-181.

Book, Chapter in Scholarly Book-New (Published)
Chung, S. M., Ding, H. B., Political connections and family business participation, Advances in Merger and Acquisition, Finkelstein and Cooper (ed.), (2010).

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Desai, H. B., Ding, H. B., Fedder, D., Teaching scientists entrepreneurship: A dialectical approach, Teaching scientists entrepreneurship: A dialectical approach, 18, 2, (2010), p. 193-293.

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Ding, H. B., Pukthuanthong-Le, K., Family firm IPO performance and market signals, Journal of Enterprising Culture, 17, 1, (2009), p. 55-77.

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Huang, Y. C., Ding, H. B., Kao, M. R., Salient stakeholder voices: Family business and green innovation adoption, Journal of Management and Organization, 15, 3, (2009).

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Ding, H. B., Phan, P. H., Why aren't we learning from our partners? An investigation on the relationship between initial conditions and knowledge acquisition effectiveness, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, 9, 3, (2009), p. 204-228.

Journal Article, Academic Journal (Published)
Tsai, S.-l., Ding, H. B., Rice, M., The effectiveness of learning from strategic alliances: A case study of the Taiwanese textile industry, International Journal of Technology Management, 42, 3, (2008), p. 310-326.

Awards and Honors

Premio Internacion Emanuel Wapinski 2009, ITESM-EGADE, Campus Monterrey.
2008 Summer Research Grant, 91.
Best Reviewer Award, 2006 Academy of Management Conference (entrepreneurship division). (August 2006).

Professional Memberships

Academy of Management
Strategic Management Society