Ph.D. Boston College-Curriculum & Instruction
M.S. Syracuse University-Special Education
B.A. San Jose State University-Creative Arts
RE 601 Media Literacy Education
ED 612 Philosophy, History & Reforms in Education
ED 651 Curriculum Theories
ED 659 Power, Identity, & Intersectionalities in Education
Stephanie Flores-Koulish is Professor and Program Director of Curriculum and Instruction for Social Justice. Her primary area of expertise and research has been within the field of Critical Media Literacy Education. She also has conducted research on identity and adoptees, education policy and practices, and critical multicultural education. Her research provides her with many opportunities to practice engaged scholarship in and around Baltimore City. She serves on the board for the National Association for Media Literacy Education (NAMLE) and is on the executive committee for the Alliance of Adoption and Culture (ASAC). Flores-Koulish is also an alumna and mentor of the
Recent Publications
Flores-Koulish, S. (2023). Introduction chapter: Professional development. In, Y. Raman, U. KaniĹľaj, Choi, G.Y. New York: Routledge.
Flores-Koulish, S. (2022). Alone and brown in a sea of whiteness: Latinx adopted people’s quest for self-understanding, a magical journey. In, eds. Medina, Y. & Machado-Casas, M. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.
Flores-Koulish, S. & Madigan, K. (2022). “The ship is turning”: Enhancing basic skills instruction with critical race media literacy for students with learning differences. In , ed. Cubbage, J. New York: Routledge.
Flores-Koulish, S. & Shiller, J. (2019). Critical classrooms matter: Baltimore teachers’
pedagogical response after the death of Freddie Gray. Education and Urban Society,
Flores-Koulish, S. (2019). Media literacy in teacher education. In Hobbs, R. & Mihailidis,
P. (Eds.), The International Encyclopedia of Media Literacy. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Flores-Koulish, S. (2018). Teaching to “Transform Baltimore”: Engaged Curriculum for
4th Graders. In Norris, K. & Collier, S. (Eds.), Social Justice and Parent Partnerships
in Multicultural Education Contexts. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Flores-Koulish, S. & Early, C. (Fall 2015). [Review of the book Educating for Insurgency:
The Roles of Young People in Schools of Poverty, by J. Gillen]. Literacy and Social
Responsibility ejournal, 8, 1.
Flores-Koulish, S. & Smith D’Arezzo, W. (2016). The Three Pigs: Can they blow us into
critical media literacy old school style? The Journal of Research in Childhood Education,
30, 3. P. 349-360. Flores-Koulish, S. (2015). The Secret Minority of the New Latino/a
Diaspora. In E. Hamann, S. Wortham, & E. Murillo (Eds.), Revisiting Education in the
New Latino Diaspora: One in Twelve and Rising. Charlotte NC: Information Age Publishing.
Flores-Koulish, S. “Vivir en dos mundos” (Living in Both Worlds): The realities of
living as a Latina adoptee. (2015) Charleston Law Review, 9, 2.
Flores-Koulish, S. & Branco Alvarado, S. (2015). Latino/a Adoptees and the Latin Explosion
in the United States: Stories that Connect and Divide. Journal of Social Distress
and the Homeless, 24, 2.
Flores-Koulish, S. & Early, C. (Fall 2015). [Review of the book Educating for Insurgency:
The Roles of Young People in Schools of Poverty, by J. Gillen]. Literacy and Social
Responsibility ejournal, 8, 1.
Flores-Koulish, S., Deal, D., McCarthy, K., McGuigan, J. & Rosebrugh, E. (Summer 2011). After the Media Literacy Course: Three Early Childhood Teachers Look Back. Action in Teacher Education.
Flores-Koulish, S. (2011). "What are you?…Are you Indian?…Are you Chinese?": The lifelong journey of an adopted Latina in White Teachers/Diverse Classrooms: A Guide to Building Inclusive Schools, Promoting High Expectations, and Eliminating Racism. Landsman, J. & Lewis, C. (eds.). Sterling, VA: Stylus.
Deal, D., Flores-Koulish, S., & Sears, J. (2010). Media literacy teacher talk: Implementation, interpretation, and frustration? Journal of Media Literacy Education (JMLE).
Flores-Koulish, S. (December 2009). Urban Teaching and The Wire. Loyola Magazine. Retrieved from
Flores-Koulish, S. (October 20, 2009). Reconnecting Mind and Heart. Baltimore Sun. Retrieved from
Professional Associations
AERA - American Educational Research Association
NAMLE - National Association for Media Literacy Education
ASAC- Alliance for the Study of Adoption & Culture
Al- Adoption Initiative