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Emergency Closing/Inclement Weather

Please take a moment to review the following information regarding Loyola's  inclemement weather policies and notification prodecures. 

Emergency Closing/Inclement Weather

Where to find closing/delayed opening announcements

If Loyola is opening late, closing early, closing completely, or chaning its status from opening late to closing completely, an announcement will be made through:

Local TV news and radio stations will also be notified, but we encourage you to rely on Loyola's own communications because information on local media is not always timely and/or updated. 

Media outlets notified of schedule changes at Loyola due to weather are:

  • Television: WBAL-TV, WMAR-TV, WJZ-TV, WBFF-TV, WRC-TV (Washington)
  • Radio: WBAL-AM (1090), WIYY-FM (97.9), WLIF-TV (101.9), WWMX-FM (106.5), WIHT-FM (99.5)

What information is included in these annoucenements?

PM_Evergreen email, Greyhound Alerts text message, Loyola.edu homepage, , and will include closing/delay information only and link to the Loyola.edu emergency info page. On the emergency info page, you will find details about how the closing/delay affects Loyola services (e.g., dining, shuttles, FAC) and events, along with other relevant information about the storm’s impact and how you can remain safe and prepared. Please check this page regularly. It will be updated throughout the day and evening if and when new information becomes available.

Local media reports closing/delay information only and does not refer viewers/listeners to 91°µÍø's emergency information page. 

When are closing/delayed opening announcements released?

Loyola will make every effort to announce closing/delay decisions as quickly and as far in advance as possible. In most cases announcements will be made before 6 a.m. day-of (early closings are announced immediately when a decision is made during the day). However, forecasts are often uncertain and change unexpectedly, which could cause announcements to be made later or earlier than expected. Regardless of time of day, please monitor all of the communications channels listed above when inclement weather is in the forecast.

No announcement means Loyola is opened as scheduled.

How can I subscribe to receive Greyhound Alerts?

All students are automatically subscribed to receive Greyhound Alerts. You can learn more about the system and how to enroll through the Greyhound Alerts page.

How do closings and early closings affect Loyola’s class schedule?

When Loyola closes for inclement weather, all in-person classes will not meet in person; check your syllabi, email, and/or Moodle to see if an online or other alternative arrangement for class will occur. Per the Faculty Handbook, "online courses and online components of hybrid courses are unaffected by University closures" (IX.A).

How do delayed openings affect Loyola’s class schedule?

When Loyola opens late, all in-person classes on all campuses scheduled to begin at a time before the new opening time will not be conducted in person. Students should check their course syllabi, email, and/or Moodle to see if an online or other alternative arrangement for class will occur. All in-person classes scheduled to begin at or after the new opening time will meet in person. For example, if Loyola opens at 10 a.m. on Tuesday or Thursday, in-person classes scheduled to meet before 10:50 a.m. will not meet in person, while classes beginning at 10:50 or later will meet. If Loyola opens at 10 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday, all in-person classes scheduled to meet before 10 a.m. will not meet in person, while those beginning at 10 a.m. or later will meet. Again, students should check their course syllabi, email, and/or Moodle for additional information about alternative arrangements for class. Per the Faculty Handbook, "online courses and online components of hybrid courses are unaffected by University closures" (IX.A). They are also unaffected by delayed campus openings.

FSA: What to know if Loyola is open during inclement weather

Faculty, staff, and administrators should arrive at Loyola and be ready to begin work at the designated opening time. If there is a civil emergency or weather is severe and Loyola is open, some employees may decide it is unsafe to come to campus for work, or to remain on campus at work. Employees who can complete their work remotely should do so during inclement weather. If an employee who is required to work on campus decides not to come to work or to leave, the employee must ask his or her supervisor/department chair for approval. Employees with an approved absence or early departure from work due to inclement weather or a civil emergency may use vacation leave, personal leave, or leave without pay for the absence. If Loyola opens late or closes early due to inclement weather, any employee who does not report to work will be required to use a full day’s leave or the employee will be charged for a full day’s leave without pay if the employee does not have leave time to use. Inclement weather alerts will be sent to all employees. Weather messages that are sent to the media will note “Virtual learning and virtual work continues as usual."

FSA: What to know if you are essential personnel

Essential personnel are identified by the job duties of their positions. If an employee’s position description includes duties that may be considered essential during an emergency, that employee’s position may be identified as essential. When essential personnel are needed to come to campus during emergencies, they must make every reasonable effort to report to work on campus. If Loyola is closed due to inclement weather or another emergency, essential employees are expected to report for their regularly scheduled shift on campus.


Employees with questions about the FSA sections above should contact the office of Human Resources at x2354. You may also refer to policies 4.5, 4.5.1, 4.5.2, and 4.6 of the Staff and Administrator Policy Manual for more information.

Winter Weather Information

Winter storms can range from light to moderate snow over a few hours to blizzard conditions with blinding, wind-driven snow or freezing rain that lasts several days. When listening to winter weather reports, it is important to be familiar with the terms used by the broadcasters. To see a list of terms, view winter weather definitions and terms.

Winter Weather Safety Tips

Students and staff should take precaution in using all facilities during periods of snow and ice in the event that removal staff has not yet attended to a specific area. All members of the Loyola community  are encouraged to:

  • Wear appropriate footwear for the weather
  • Exercise caution when walking and be on the lookout for slippery areas and "black ice"
  • Plan ahead to allow extra time to reach your desitnation safely
  • Use Loyola's shuttle service to avoid walking on potentially slippery ice covered surfaces
  • Please report any unsafe conditions regarding snow and ice to Facilities Management (x2200)

Loyola's Snow Removal Response

Facilities employees or contractors will begin snow removal and spreading de-icing agents on sidewalks, steps, doorways, landings, handicap ramps, curb cuts, and all parking lots. They will also clear snow and spread salt/sand at major street intersections within campus and parking areas. These areas and parking lots will be addressed even if the University is closed. The custodial staff will assess hazards and or needs within buildings that may have been created by snow and ice. These issues may include wet lobbies, hallways, bathrooms, stairwells, etc. Signage will be posted to designate wet floors and other hazards within residence halls. Please remember to use caution when traveling throughout campus. 
Our goal is to reach every critical area of the campus within 24 hours of the last snow or ice accumulation. However, time frames to accomplish de-icing all areas may fluctuate in relation to the amount of personnel available and the severity of the event. 

What is a Snow Emergency Plan?

The Maryland State Police (MSP) declares snow emergencies with input from MD State Highway Administration. Once a snow emergency is declared, the law requires certain precautions. They include:

  • Prohibited parking on roads and streets designated as snow emergency routes; and
  • The use of snow tires/chains (most cars now use all weather tires, so changing to "snow" tires is unnecessary)

 Once an emergency is in effect, all requirements are in effect until lifted. A Snow Emergency Plan is put into effect by county. For up-to-date information on which counties have enacted their snow Emergency Plans, please view. Certain exceptions can occur while a snow emergency plan is in effect. A specific route(s) can be lifted and the remainders of the roads in the county still remain under the Snow Emergency Plan. If the Statewide Operations Center is notified of an exception, we will note these routes as exceptions in our list below. For the most up to date information, it is advised to call the local MSP barrack for the county. with their contact information on the State's website. The closest barrack to campus is Barrack R- Golden Ring.

Baltimore City Snow Emergency Phases

Phase 1

  • Requires that vehicles have snow tires, all weather radials or chains. Police citations are issued to those without
  • It would help if citizens would park off of the snow emergency routes before Phase 2 of the snow emergency plan is activated. It will greatly help the Department of Transportation to clear the emergency routes quickly if no cars are interfering.

Phase 2

  • Requires that vehicles have snow tires, all weather radials or chains. (Police citations are issued to those without)
  • Parking is prohibited on designated Snow Emergency Routes. Snow emergency routes are clearly marked and vehicles parked along these designated roadways during a snow emergency will be ticketed and towed. Vehicles are impounded if they are parked along the restricted peak hour zones in the downtown area. In neighborhoods, they are relocated to suggested alternative parking areas such as schools or recreational facilities.
  • During a Phase 2 snow emergency, citizens may park at area schools equipped with parking lots.

Phase 3

  • Permits emergency vehicles only on City streets.

For more information regarding Baltimore City’s Snow Emergency Information, please visit the .

Maryland “State of Emergencyâ€

A State of Emergency allows the state to waive certain regulations that would possibly hinder effective response. An example of this can be found in the event of a major power outage that requires assistance from out of state power companies—the state can waive the requirement that those trucks stop at the weigh stations, therefore allowing them to get to the affected areas and begin working faster.

A State of Emergency allows the Governor to call in the MD National Guard to assist. A State of Emergency allows the Governor and others to respond accordingly. It empowers the Governor and those in executive positions with key emergency responsibilities (for example: the Executive Director of MEMA, the Superintendent of the State Police) to do many things including but not limited to closing roads and waiving contracting requirements.

A State of Emergency is a pre-curser to requesting Federal assistance. This does not mean that the state has requested federal assistance, but if it is necessary, the Governor could.

In the event that travel restrictions are imposed, they will be communicated as soon as they happen. Travel restrictions may happen at the county, municipal, and at the state level.

Contacts for Emergencies

If you are in an emergency situation or need to report an incident, contact Loyola Public Safety at 410-617-5911 (emergencies) or 410-617-5010 (non-emergency). Please do not respond to PM_Evergreen emails to report an incident or request emergency assistance.